Sunday, December 14, 2008

Gingerbread Houses

We made gingerbread house tonight. Here are the finished products. Above is the one Ronnie and I made. Below is the one Jerame, Lacey, and Emma made. Alyson switched from mine and Ronnie's to Jerame and her sisters about halfway through.

Emma made the cool little "Sprite Snowman" in the yard above. I'm not sure what it is but it has a lot of toothpicks poking out of it and it scares me a little.

Jerame got Lacey and made her a little messy. Don't worry she is laughing not crying.

Boy was it a messy project!!!!!!


So finally it is snowing. Everyone knows what that can do for our business. Enough said!

Lacey's Play

Lacey was in a play on friday and saturday night called Holiday Magic. She was a wiseman and the prettiest one I have ever seen. She had a few speaking parts, was part of the chorus, and even had a solo singing part. She did awesome and it was a really cute play.

Decorating the tree

Here are some pictures of decorating the tree. My crazy girls above.

And my husband putting the tree up.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Well we had a very crazy Thanksgiving. Jerame's entire family came to visit u. We had 16 people but we all had ablast and there were NO fights!!!! Now you'll have to bear with me because I wanted to cover it all. I am about to share an entire photo album with everyone.

Of course with all the Teel's together there are quads and dirt bikes:

Emma getting some air!

Chris on the dirt bike. He and Chase learned!
There was some Dancing With the Stars:

These two were hilarious. Ethan kept dipping back and Emma kept sayong only she was supposed to:

A little wrestling:

Great relationships developed between cousins:

Fun with Grandpa:

Dirt dirt and more dirt:


And boy was it exhausting!:

Monday, November 10, 2008

Singin' in the Rain

Last sunday when we got home from church it was raining. The girls got out of the car with their umbrellas and decided they didn't want to go inside yet. And I decided even Sunday clothes are washable. So they played in the rain with the umbrellas like my sister, Traci, and I always did. We always loved when it rained and would always ask Mom for umbrellas to play with. There are so many things Emma and Aly do that remind me of Traci and myself. Another being singing into the handle of the vacuum cleaner. It is so funny because I never even taught them that but they just started doing it. I guess even imaginations are hereditary! Vacuum cleaner singing is the best by the way.


Sorry it's so late but here are the girls after trick-or-treating. I forgot to take pictures during our Halloween party and I forgot my camera during trick-or-treating. So these are the only picures I have for this year. Emma is Ariel, Alyson is Belle, and Lacey is a pirate and a little bit of a dork!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My car

For those of you who don't know yet we bought a new car for me. No business didn't start getting better but we traded in my CRV and now are saving $33 a month on this payment so we couldn't pass it up. There was some damage so since he was fixing it anyway, Jerame decided to pimp it out. Here is the before picture:

Here are the after pics. We know an airbrush guy that did the true fire on the car for us and it turned out great. Jerame even painted the wheels.

Even with detail on door handles and mirrors

Picture tag

My sister-in-law Sheryl did a picture tag. This is the 3rd picture in the 3rd album of my pictures. It is Lacey and Emma when they still liked each other on New Year's Eve 2005. So this is pre-Aly. Although she was present just in my belly!

Now it is anyone else's turn that wants to do it. Pick your 4th picture in your 2nd folder.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Snow Fun

We decided to get out and play in the snow before it gets TOO cold. I know there is snow on the ground and that makes it cold but trust me, it gets colder! Above is Lacey on her snowboard going down what little hill we have in our back yard. There is a better hill on the side but Jerame has to clear the sage brush and the snow was already mostly gone there. But look at the view of the mountains with snow on them! Gorgeous. Almost worth the snow.......almost!

Here is Emma sledding!

And of course Aly the ham!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


ALREADY SNOWING!!!!! Does this mean another long winter? Well I guess this could be good for business but I really hate the cold stuff otherwise! But this is what we woke up to this morning. The bad part is Jerame is out working in this today. Poor baby!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fun at the Shop -again

So I looked over and saw the girls reading a book on a really big box and decided it was picture and blog worthy!!! Again at our home away from home.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Lattin Farms

We had to go to Fallon this weekend to get Ronnie's stuff. We had a blast! We went to Lattin Farms with my family (minus Ronnie and Jerame who went to Sand Mountain). They had all kinds of stuff for the kids to do. I miss being there every day.
Here is Alyson in the bounce house.

Here is what the maze looks like this year courtesy of the Lahontan Valley news photo I took off their website. It is about 3 acres and over a mile of trails.

Jake and Lacey were our fearless leaders.....until we all got tired of carrying kids and decided to follow a maze worker guiding people out.

Here is the crew at the beginning of our journey through the maze. See all the smiling faces!!

This is me carrying Aly surprise surprise!

We found manyy caterpillars in the maze. The kids were amazed by them though only Lacey was brave enough to hold them.

Here is the cow train. Aly, Emma, and Jessalyn (Traci's little on) loved it. Colby c(Traci's other little one) cried the whole time.

Then we sent the little ones home with Jake and Grandma and Grandpa to do the scarcrow factory that was going on on Saturday there. I sneezed a lot therefore Traci had to help Lacey.

There here are my girls with there cousin on the swing in my parents backyard. They really had a great time. Thanks Mom and Dad for the fun day!!