Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Well we went back to the doctor today and because it was still sore he put a cast on. Lacey could choose pink (way too girly), blue, or green. Obviously she picked green and is very excited to have her friends sign it tomorrow at school. She only has to have it one for 2 weeks and one day (three weeks from when she broke it).


Lewieville said...

Very cool cast Lacey!! I still wish I had one when I was younger, I guess I wasn't cool enough. And Kelli, Lacey is getting too big and beautiful!! PUT HER IN A BOX!

Lewieville said...

Oh yeah... Where's Emma in this picture?

Anonymous said...

Cool cast Lacey Kay. you are such a cutie! I understand you are a bit of a genious too. woner wre dat cum from?